Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Top 5 Most Overrated Movies

Most of youtube channels or blogs use to make these kind of lists about best movies and most underrated ones. It's easy because there are tons of people just going around social networks prepare to defend their favorite films, and this assertion comes like a gift. And, on the other hand, we have fans of movies so badly rated they put huge effort on convincing everyone else justice has to be made. No dice.

But, what about overrated movies? This is somethig tricky. What do the most of the blogs and youtube channels when they're about to make an overrated movies top list? They pick most prizewinning movies that all of the people use to complain, and that's all. It's much easier just putting followers against the academy, right? However, are we users right indeed? Is actually consensus equal to truth? Definitely not. There's totally something going on with some movies which their sensationalism, pretentious or plot twists really may lift them up to a place they dont't belong. I know this is going to hurt so much, and it's gonna make all of you hate us but, here is our real top5 overrated movies (WATCH OUT, SPOILERS AHEAD):

5. The Sixth Sense

Yes. The best considered M. Night Shyamalan movie is one of the most overrated movies ever. Why? Because of the twist, precisely. All of the movie is based upon the mystery. It's just an horror movie, well shot and decently acted. The only drama that supposely raise it up to the category of great movie it's just a convinient fake trick. Why do the rest of ghosts look like dead (fresh wounds, puking...) and Bruce Willis not only doesn't realise of his wound, he even change clothes several times and, seriously, how the hell does he set a meeting with the child in the first place? Do you expect me to believe that a ghost could have 'accepting his death' as a purpose? Could any of you guys be able to live for weeks with your wife without crossing a word? Not even a 'who was at the phone?' or 'do you want me to prepare dinner?' COME ON! You even met up with her at the restaurant! Worst twist ever. So, it's not bad movie, we just consider it as a fine horror movie.

4. The Spectacular Now
This is probably the lesser-known movie of this list, but a 93% in Rotten Tomatoes make this an obligatory example. Lately, the increasement of blockbusters has, somehow, ended in more and more independent hits. Directors like Jason Reitman, Jonathan Levine or Marc Webb have come from indie field to the most commercial productions just because of this. And, in this particular case, Webb is one of the producers. Let's make it simple, The Spectacular Now is a disease. A disease particularly created from these hits. This movie is nothing but a attempt to transform the most conventional scripts ever made into something fresh and trascendent just by putting on an instagram filter over it, trendy indie cast and somebody with dinking issues. It's something pretty similar to the case of Short Term 12, but in that, Brie Larson totally saves the day.

3. A Beatiful Mind
Seriously, I've got to say this: I really do like the twist in this movie. I do. It's not actually smart but at least is early. The main issue with this film is that, what's told in it, could have been said in one minute. Just a minute of a guy (I'd rather have a biographer) sitting in front you saying: here's the story of John Nash, smart guy, mathematician, who made up friends and that almost cost him his sanity ad his marriage. And that's all. The second half of this movie is one of the most boring things I've ever seen. It's just a encore of the first half, but now you're sure he's crazy. Precursor of a whole generation of a-holes writing their math problems on the window. Just for that, it deserves to be the first one in our list, but let's move forward.

2. Intouchables
What the hell happened with this movie?! Seriously. The corny story of paralized man who's affraid of facing life and gets encouraged by an stereotyped joker. How many times we've seen this? A hundred? Thousands? I don't know. Has this movie better shots? Has this movie better jokes? Is this fresh or original? Really, there's nothing here but the same old cheesy overcoming story. I'm amazed by how many people can still laugh about the 'My-Fair-Lady-situation'. There's even a 'enjoying-life' montage with Nina Simone's 'Feeling Good'. 8,6 on IMDB. Guys...I mean, both actors make a good performance...but...are you serious?

Honorable Mentions
Although they're not bad enough to be on this list, or simply they're not as good considered and rated as the other 5, there're two movies that has to be mention, at least. There's an issue with the 'He's been dead all of the time' or 'He's making everything up' plot twist that obligates the script writer to be so carefull about the transition to that. Shutter Island just doesn't achieve this mission. Even being adapted from a Dennis Lehane novel, which is often translated into good movies. But in this particular case, it remains the feeling of being too easy just saying that he's completely nuts in a matter of seconds, using a blackboard as we, the audience, were supposed to be shocked by that fact, but the truth is we all have been considering it for the hall of the movie, but we refused to believed the writer was so lazy.

The other mention goes to Hatchiko. A movie just based in making dog-owners cry by the impossible chance that you're dog gives a shit about you. Yes, I recognize I cried like a baby, but that doesn't make the movie good at all. Because of they manipulate you, it doesn't mean what they're telling you is actually something powerful. Think about A Serbian Film. Just because you feel sick of seeing a fat guy raping a newborn doesn't mean the film is doing a great job. I could record myself killing your mother and that's not gonna make a good horror movie. No. Hatchiko is definitely a piece of shit.

1. Fight Club
That's it. Fight Club is one of those kind of movies ruined by their endings. But in this particular case, it's not just the ending. From the moment we realise Edward Norton is actually Tyler Durden, movie starts to fall apart and it doesn't stop. Firstly, we all got it from the moment Bonham Carter's character say his name is Tyler Durden. We're not stupid, we don't need a 9 minutes exposition. Seriously, the revelation montage, the voice-over, the whole travelling moment to the diferent Fight Club franchises is ridiculous, is for real dummies. No one is so stupid to need all of that explanation. Besides that, garage scene is horrible. What a way of destroying the movie! Is this something meta? Is Fincher trying to make an example out of the movie? Is it all about making a great movie and blasting it as an anarchy symbolism? For the record, according to David Fincher, if you shoot yourself in your ganglia, you don't die AND all of your multiple personalities die inmediately. Deal with it psychologists!